University of Osnabrück - Dept. Mathematics/Computer Science

Usage Statistics for:

Summary Period: Last 12 Months
Generated 04-Jun-2010 01:00 CEST

Usage summary for

Summary by Month
Month Daily Avg Monthly Totals
Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes Visits Pages Files Hits
Jun 2010 1937 1685 1155 77 72 58475 77 1155 1685 1937
May 2010 888 878 795 75 74 38263 75 795 878 888
Apr 2010 963 925 879 49 49 39958 49 879 925 963
Mar 2010 1655 1644 1580 57 56 66638 57 1580 1644 1655
Feb 2010 1729 1699 1617 71 71 33797 71 1617 1699 1729
Jan 2010 355 321 243 78 77 18673 78 243 321 355
Dec 2009 8208 7364 5409 979 710 1137337 1958 10819 14729 16417
Nov 2009 6340 5713 3749 1022 901 838812 2044 7499 11427 12680
Oct 2009 459 325 258 74 74 27298 74 258 325 459
Sep 2009 13853 12185 8277 2207 905 450024 2207 8277 12185 13853
Aug 2009 6257 5756 4350 1032 649 471559 2065 8700 11513 12515
Jul 2009 6958 6386 4153 1280 862 569789 2561 8306 12772 13917
Totals 3750623 11316 50128 70103 77368

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