Learning with Neural Methods Computational Intelligence - Learning with Neural Methods on Structured Data

General Information

The research group LNM has been established in April 2000. It is funded by the MWK Niedersachsen for five years. Research interests lie in the development and application of machine learning tools, in particular neural methods, for structural data such as sequences and graphs as they occur e.g. in time series prediction, symbolic areas, language processing, combinatorial optimization, or bioinformatics.

People in the group come from various disciplines and work is interdisciplinary including cooperations with the groups Theoretical Computer Science, Operations Research, Mathematical Information and Cognitive Science.


Forschernachwuchsgruppe LNM
Fachbereich Mathematik/Informatik
Universität Osnabrück
Albrechtstrasse 28
D-49069 Osnabrück


Dr. Barbara Hammer
room 31/513
phone: (+49) (0)541/969-2488
fax: (+49) (0)541/969-2770

How to find us.

LNM - Computer Science - University of Osnabrück.
