MNG-Package Readme Mon Jul 19 14:17:09 2004 Merging Neural Gas (MNG) is described in detail in M. Strickert and B. Hammer, Self-Organizing Context Learning. In: M.Verleysen (ed.), European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN 2004), D-side publications, pp. 39-44, 2004 The mng.c is an exact implementation of the described algorithm *except for an additional postsynaptic inhibition* that prevents neuron to be selected as winner in two successive steps. To get started, type > make This should compile on cygwin/linux gcc platforms without errors. Type > . tr_bauto and wait for some minutes to perform a MNG training of the unbiased P(0|0) = P(1|0) = P(0|1) = P(1|1) = P(0) = P(1) = 0.5 binary automaton. A number of *bauto*dat files and a *bauto*bz2 file will be generated. See for further information. It may be a good advice to use an editor with syntax highlighting for source code studies. Everything remaining inside the package is distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE given in LICENSE.txt. Good luck. Marc Strickert ( Files in this package: # to be called one level above surce directory # convert strings into a gnuplotable tree bauto_27_57.awk # another binary tree with 2/7 vs 5/7 probability bauto_5_5.awk # unbiased automaton bautomaton.awk # Voeglins 3/7 vs 4/7 automaton version getfinalneurons.awk # extract neurons after training (unused) makefile # see this for further details mng.c # the MNG c source code mng.h # the MNG c source code header mngclassify.awk # a slow awk classifier to be replaced by mngclassify.c mngclassify.c # classify new data with given network neighsize.c # calculate decay parameter values readme.txt # guess it rfield.awk # extract receptive field by using the test section # instructive example for the automaton task // end of file