Dynamic and interactive visualization of weather data with SVG

Keywords: Geo-information, Application building

Ralf Kunze
Research and teaching assistant
Institute of Computer Science, Osnabrueck
Albrechtstraße 28
49069 Osnabrueck


Dipl.-Systemwiss. Ralf Kunze, born 1973 in Oldenburg, has graduated in applied system science from the University of Osnabrueck in 2001. The topic of his diploma thesis has been the development of a Macromedia Flash generator for interactive visualization of XML based data. He works as a research and teaching assistant in the multimedia group of the institute for computer science at the University of Osnabrueck. He supervises several diploma and bachelor theses mostly in the domain of geographical information systems and other data visualization with SVG. He has a focus on web publishing, data visualization and mobile computing. In cooperation with the Max-Planck-Institute in Hamburg he pursues his PhD with the development of a real time climate data visualization tool in SVG.

Robert Mertens
Research and teaching assistant
Virtual Teaching Support Center at the University of Osnabrueck
Schloßstraße 9
49069 Osnabrueck


Robert has studied cognitive science at the University of Osnabrueck. Currently, he is a PhD Student (computer science) and working at the Virtual Teaching Support Center at the University of Osnabrueck. He has been working with SVG since spring 2003 to build an SVG-based web-presentation interface for recorded lectures as part of his PhD work. The main focus of this work is interactivity and the implementation of a hypermedia navigation concept for timebased media. The technical part of it involves bringing together SVG, Realmedia and some ECMA/Javascript. Apart from working on the interface, he is also working on the recording process and on methods to use lecturer interaction for navigation purposes.

Prof. Dr. Oliver Vornberger
Institute of Computer Science, Osnabrueck
Albrechtstraße 28
49069 Osnabrueck


Oliver Vornberger, born 1951, graduated in computer science from the university of Dortmund in 1976 and worked as research and teaching assistant at the University of Paderborn. After his PH.D. in 1980 he spend a year as a postdoc at the University of California at Berkeley. Since 1989 he has a full professorship at the University of Osnabrueck and is head of the multimedia working group with a focus on web publishing and computer graphics.


In many regions around the world, changes in weather conditions are not a slow process. With the weather being likely to break up in a matter of hours if not minutes every other day, people who have to adapt to the weather highly appreciate sound and accurate weather forecasts. As weather depends on a multitude of global and local factors, however, weather forecasts require complex and time-consuming calculations. On top of this, the resulting forecast data is hard to read for the non-expert. Typically the data is visualized in maps containing static pictograms. Compared to this, an animated weather viewing tool can facilitate the users' understanding of the development of a weather situation.

To implement such a tool, SVG seems to be the means of choice, as it has begun to play an increasingly important role in the application domain of GIS (Geographical Information Systems). This is mainly due to SVG being an open W3C standard and it being XML-based. SVG is thus coming with a document structure that is as easy to generate as it is to manipulate in dynamic applications. Additional advantages of SVG are dynamic reloading of information, interactivity, server side generation, scripting and the fact that it is vector based.

The application presented in this paper depends on many of these features as it brings together both static geographical data such as borders, rivers and cities and weather data that is visualized dynamically. Interactivity and scripting are crucial to the interface since users need special views on the information depending on where they are and what they plan to do. A family planning for a weekend trip to the North Sea will most likely want a totally different view than an event manager planning a concert.

In short, different needs require the interface to show different parts of the weather chart in different spatial and temporal resolutions. In response to this, the interface presented in this paper allows selecting arbitrary rectangular regions within the overall map, zooming in and out of these regions, showing weather development at specific hours or as a time-compressed 24-hour animation.

The application behind the interface basically consists of three different server side components: preprocessing of the weather data, organizing data storage and handling the interface's query action by a number of scripts. The data itself comes from the German Weather Service (Deutscher Wetterdienst) and covers weather development for Germany and parts of the bordering nations. As the application is still under development the data used in the example is historical data that was available for free. The preprocessing is done by a number of C and Java programs. These programs restructure the data and convert it into a format that is more appropriate to visualization. The data is then stored in a MySQL database where it is accessible by geographical position and time indices. This database can be accessed via a number of PHP-scripts which are in turn used by the SVG-Template on the client computer.

Since the data is delivered to the SVG template as an SVG group, it can easily be loaded by the SVG template using SVG's getUrl and parseXML functions. When the data is no longer displayed, it is removed from the DOM tree. The same holds for text and graph based information that can be displayed for a set of cities in the area covered by the data.

However, not all actions performed by the interface require this dynamic reloading of datasets. To a certain extend, zooming can always be done using the graphical data already displayed and thus using SVG's own zooming mechanism. Reloading is also not used for fading in and out certain sets of data like temperature, air pressure or precipitation. This allows keeping the interface's response time at a reasonable speed. In some cases even a mix of reloading and standard zooming is used. One example is adding certain details at a specified zoom level to facilitate the visualization of local phenomena. Loading higher resolution data when zooming in is another point where this method is used.

Apart from describing the technical details of the interface, preprocessing, data storage and communication between the different components of the application, the paper will also give an overview of current weather visualization tools. An example of the Interface can be found at http://snowball.informatik.uni-osnabrueck.de/cgp/index.svg .

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. SVG and Flash
     2.1 Spread of SVG and Flash
     2.2 Synchronizing frames vs. synchronizing time
     2.3 File size and automatic generation of documents
     2.4 Streaming
     2.5 Scripting
     2.6 Conclusion
3. SVG Weather
     3.1 Server side data processing
     3.2 The Database
     3.3 Geography
     3.4 The Front-end
          3.4.1 SVG Template
          3.4.2 Dynamic reload
          3.4.3 SVG Scripting
      Manipulation of elements and attributes
      Loading data
      Manipulating the ViewBox
      Using tiles
4. Conclusion

1. Introduction

As with most complex data, weather data requires a considerable amount of structuring and visualization to become understandable for human use. Commonly, weather forecasts consist of a set of maps showing isolines and isoareas representing temperature, air-pressure, precipitation and so on [WalchFrater].

In print-media, these maps have to be static according to the static nature of the medium itself. When delivered in continuous media like films or computer animated graphics, however, the effect of visualization can be further improved by representing weather changes as dynamic developments.

TV stations around the world have employed this technique for years, while most internet-based weather information services still rely on static maps. At first glance, this is hardly understandable, especially given the fact that the internet is becoming a major source for all kinds of multimedia documents.

A more detailed inspection of the demands on an internet-based weather forecast, however, reveals the differences between weather forecast and other multimedia content. Most multimedia web contents like video clips, games or audio documents remain up to date considerably longer than weather forecasts. Also, weather forecast has to be localised in order to be useful. An additional difference is that a high degree of interactivity is desired to select spatial and temporal clippings that fit the user’s information goals. The last but not least important difference to this fictional content is that weather forecasts have to be generated from real world data.

These facts impose a number of constraints to the production of high-quality, internet-based visualizations of weather forecasts that do not apply to other multimedia content. Especially the short-livedness of the content and the requirement to compute an appropriate visualization out of vast amounts of real world data call for fully automated data processing. Added the need for interactivity, the challenge lies not only in data processing but also in finding an appropriate presentation format.

This paper presents both, an approach for processing weather data that comes in the GRIB (Gridded binary) format [NOAA] and a web-enabled viewer implemented in SVG. As data presentation is crucial for the application purpose, the graphics format to be used for presentation had to be chosen carefully. Since the visualization could best be realized by vector graphics the two formats in question were Flash and SVG. A closer inspection of both formats and a prototype implementation of the viewer interface in Flash [Kunze][Stark] finally lead to the selection of SVG.

The first part of this paper gives a detailed overview of both graphics formats with a special focus on scripting, which mattered most for the application. The second part describes the application front-end, back-end and underlying implementation details.

2. SVG and Flash

2.1 Spread of SVG and Flash

Due to excellent marketing strategies, Macromedia Flash has become widely spread in the last few years. Being integrated into many web-browsers, the Flash viewer plug-in was easy to use for most internet users. This rapidly led to an increased popularity of the format.

In March 2005, round about 90% of all browsers supported Flash [Macromedia I]. An easy installation process and the plug-in download size of mere kilobytes closed the gap for those who did not already have the viewer installed on their computers. The small size of the plug-in was especially important at an early stage of the viewer’s distribution. After all, back in the 1990’ies when broadband connections were not as common as they are now, download size really did matter.

Another factor that heavily contributed the format’s popularity is constituted by Macromedia’s constant efforts to make the viewer availably for all common browsers and operating systems.

In comparison to Flash, SVG can only be viewed by a smaller group of internet users. SVG viewers are deployed to over 100 million desktops (29.10.2004) [W3C I]. If we suppose there are round about 500 million internet users, only 20% are able to view SVG contents. One reason for this might be that SVG is relatively new. While Flash was introduced in 1996 [Macromedia II], the SVG standard 1.0 has not even been finished before September 2001 [W3C II].

Another reason might be the complexity of SVG which demands any viewer plug-in to implement a considerably larger number of features and effects than the Flash viewer plug-in. This did not only lead to an increased download size of the plug-in software but also to a significantly higher workload for those who wanted to write an SVG plug-in for different browsers and operating systems. Many viewers do not fully implement the SVG standard but only demonstrate that it is possible to render SVG in a certain browser. In fact, the most features so far have been implemented by the Adobe SVG plug-in, which, however, does not implement the complete SVG standard [Adobe I]. On top of this, the latest version of this plug-in is only available for the windows operating system.

Yet another fact that might account for the rather low spread of SVG might be that it had not been integrated into any popular web-browsers. Current developments like the Mozilla SVG Project [Mozilla] and the latest version of the Opera web-browser [Opera] though, are to change this situation soon, so it is most likely that SVG will have a much larger audience in the near future.

2.2 Synchronizing frames vs. synchronizing time

In Macromedia Flash, synchronization is handled by using key frames [Flashkit]. Much like in a cartoon movie, an animation is split up into a sequence of pictures. Object positions between these key frames are interpolated to allow for fluid movements. In graphics terminology this is called tweening. This technique is especially useful for playing complex animations on slow computers. In case the rendering uses too many resources, frames can be left out to save computing power. Frame based navigation within Flash animations is another point where the use of key frames shows its strengths. The state and position of objects at the desired time can easily be computed using the data of the nearest key frame. However, frames do not allow for precise timing of animations. Whereas the frame in which an animation is supposed to happen can be specified, there is no means to start an animation between two key frames.

SVG features time based placement of animations. This way, animations can be planned far easier than in Flash. Any schedule describing what happens when can directly be encoded in SVG. When more complex applications are considered, though, this approach causes some problems. In time based navigation, the state and position of each object has to be calculated anew whenever time is manipulated. Especially in documents using many concurrent animations, this can cause considerable delays [Fox].

2.3 File size and automatic generation of documents

Macromedia Flash is a binary format. It can thus not be easily edited. For a long time, Macromedia did not publish any specification of the format. Finally, however, the specification has been made available, mainly for marketing reasons [Macromedia III]. This lead to the development of a number of applications that could be used to edit Flash, which in turn lead to a further spread of the Flash format. The fact that Flash was not built to be generated automatically resulted in documents not being configurable by the server. In order to solve this problem, Macromedia introduced the so called Flash Generator. The software featured the ability to swap predefined symbols on the server. This way, customised films could be created on the server and sent to the user. Due to its rather high price, however, the software did not rally break through. Another interesting fact is that publishing the format’s specification did not lead to the development of many applications that could generate Flash dynamically. Flashweather [Kunze][Stark], the ancestor of the application presented in this paper is one of the few exceptions.

Concepts like Macromedia Flex [Macromedia IV] or Openlaszlo [OpenLaszlo] have improved this situation, but they are still too limited to seriously tackle the problem of dynamic data visualization. The binary structure of Flash files has proven to be a very good decision when it comes to file size. Efficient packaging strategies are employed so that file size can be kept at a more than reasonably low level.

Generation of SVG documents is kept as easy as it can be. Designers who are familiar with the document format can create impressive designs even with a simple text editor. Since SVG is XML-based, it is well structured and easy to edit. It is designed to automatically modify or generate an SVG document with the help of scripts or server sided applications. This advantage however is directly linked to SVG’s biggest problem, its immense file size. One very simple and also very effective approach to counter this problem is using the ZIP algorithm to compress the data [ShigeruMasaru]. Reuse of CSS styles is another strategy to keep SVG files small. Shapes’ properties can be stored inside definition tags (<def>) and can then be used repeatedly throughout the document. This is especially effective when styles are used many times. In some cases it also pays off to re-use predefined shapes. These shape do not have to be used the way they come as arbitrary properties of predefined shapes can be altered whenever necessary. The definition of text fonts for often used fonts can also have a considerable impact on file size. Storage of different polygons and lines that do not overlap but that do have the same colour etc. are another way to reduce file size of SVG documents.

2.4 Streaming

Macromedia Flash is designed to be streamed. This can best be explained by taking a look at the format’s internal file structure [Macromedia III]. Macromedia Flash (also called SWF) consists of so called tags which are stores in records. SWF has tags for shapes, animation commands and script command. Tags can refer to other tags but only if the tags referred to are placed closer to the start of the file than the referring tag. This way, animations can already be played, even though they are not completely loaded. SVG is not limited by this constraint. The down side of this is that no animation can be shown before the document is loaded completely and before the DOM is constructed. While this constitutes a major disadvantage, it can be easily circumvented by extending the DOM dynamically. The functions getURL() and parseXML() that come with the Adobe SVG plug-in allow for reloading parts of an SVG document at any time. This mighty feature allows to first load the start of an animation and to extend it later by loading further elements. In contrast to Flash, these elements can even be selected by the user at run time. In the end, this makes SVG much more flexible and dynamic than Flash. It has to be noted, however, that these two functions are an extension that works only in the Adobe SVG viewer [WinterNeumann].

2.5 Scripting

SWF incorporates ActionScript [Moock], which is an easy to learn script language that has all elements necessary to manipulate a Flash animation. Controlling the timeline of an animation is rather easy. Jumping back and forth in the timeline can be rendered almost instantly because of the key frames used (see above). Since the language is bound to the elements used in a film, existing elements can be changed, but it is impossible to add new elements or to remove existing ones.

SVG can be manipulated by different scripting languages. Since it is represented as a DOM, it can be accessed by any scripting language that can manipulate a DOM in a web-browser [WilliamsNeumann]. Among the most common of these languages are JavaScript, Jscript, ECMA Script and Visual Basic. A disadvantage of this technology is that different scripting languages do not work in all web browsers. Adobe’s SVG plug-in for instance has its own ECMA Script implementation to overcome this problem. Using no platform-specific script language and sticking to the plug-in's ECMA Script is a good way to avoid the danger different web browsers.

As SVG scripting manipulates the DOM, it provides a comprehensive set of methods to alter the documents structure. As mentioned above, the functions getURL() and parseXML() even allow to dynamically load data from a server and adding this data to the DOM in run time. It is also possible to create totally new nodes in the DOM.standardized ECMA

Existing tags can be extracted using their ID value and then changed by manipulation of their attributes. This technique even allows changing an animation while it is already running. This makes scripting in SVG a mightier tool than in SWF.

2.6 Conclusion

Macromedia Flash is well suited for creating sophisticated websites. Flash generators like Macromedia Flex or Openlazlo enable even users with little experience to create Flash films. Flash is widely spread and the majority of web users can watch Flash on their browsers.

When it comes to visualization of complex or dynamically changing data, however, Flash is not really the means of choice. The experience with weather visualization described in this paper has shown that SVG is much better for this task. SVG though still has a number of problems which will in part be solved by time while others demand some work.

The comparably low spread of SVG definitely falls into the first category. SVG can easily be generated automatically and is thus a good means for visualizing data sets. Because of this, SVG is already used in a large number of scientific contexts. Time based navigation in SVG, however, is still an issue demanding attention.

3. SVG Weather

The application presented here uses an SVG front-end to deliver an interactive visualization of weather forecasts in different zoom levels. To realize this, a range of techniques is required on both server and client side. The client side front-end is written in JavaScript to allow for interactive zooming and dynamic reloading of data from the server. Server side computation is done by a number of scripts in PHP that are called from the client side part of the application. There are an additional number of scripts and java applications running on the server for off-line data processing as well as a database in which the data itself is stored.

The overall structure of the application can be described as follows:


Figure 1: Application design

The following sections will describe these parts in detail.

3.1 Server side data processing

The first step is pre-processing of the forecast data. As weather forecasts come as a set of raster data, it is necessary to transform the data into isolines and isoareas. This is done by the modified line following algorithm developed by [WilliamJSnyder]. The algorithm traverses the raster once for each isovalue. It successively constructs isolines that are later transformed into polygons.

Further processing becomes necessary as the visualization should allow for multiple datasets to be visualized simultaneously. This requires each dataset to be at least semi-transparent so that the view of data visualized on a lower layer is not obstructed. This means that isoareas describing the same feature like temperature can not simply be arranged one on top of the other. Instead, the shape of the smaller polygon has to be cut out of the larger one. This leaves the larger polygon as some kind of doughnut with a hole in its middle while the smaller polygon remains unchanged. To determine which polygon is the larger one, a basic property of isoareas is used. As isoareas do never overlap, one area lies always completely in or out of the other (See fig. Figure 2).


Figure 2: Isoareas

It is thus sufficient to check whether one point of a polygon lies inside another polygon. Another fact that facilitates testing is that an isoarea with isovalue k can only be contained in isoareas with isovalues k -1 or k + 1.

Building one of the doughnuts is very easy because of the way in which polygons are described in SVG. The path description of the inner polygon can simply be added to the path description of the outer polygon without any further modification. The moveto command at the beginning of the smaller polygon’s path description has to be copied into the new path description, too. Fig Figure 3 shows the description of a resulting “doughnut” polygon. The coordinates from the surrounding polygon are named x1, y1 to xn, yn, the coordinates from the inside polygon are named a1, b1 to an, bn.

<path d=“M x1,y1 L x2,y2 x3,y3, x4,y4 ... M a1,b1 L a2,b2 a3,b3, ... „
      style=“fill-rule: evenodd; fill:RGB(0,15,200); stroke:black“/>

Figure 3: A doughnut polygon

Another feature that requires additional server side pre-processing is the city weather forecast overview shown in fig Figure 4.


Figure 4: City weather forecast

The overview describes data like temperature or precipitation in diagrams at different granularities (hour, day and week). To make this data available by city, the data corresponding to the geographical coordinates has to be collected by a script.

3.2 The Database

The database used is a MySQL database containing a total of about 137 MB in 2860 tables. This size corresponds to a seven day forecast for the area of Germany. The tables can be separated into five groups:

Connections to the data base are implemented using both, Java and PHP. The transformation of the information stored in the database into SVG is realized using two different strategies. One part of the data is already stored as SVG while the other part is generated on demand.

The most common and the most computationally intensive elements are created in a pre-processing step and stored on the server already as SVG. This includes the map of Germany as well as isolines and isoareas for temperature, precipitation and cloudiness. Other information like city based temperature or precipitation overviews are transformed on demand.

Due to the necessity of complex algorithms to compute isolines and isoareas, the processing of data to be stored as SVG on the server is done in Java. Whenever new data is put on the server a number of Java programs start the transformation.

The dynamic processing for on demand generation of SVG is done using PHP. The reasons for this are that PHP can easily interact with MySQL and that it is open source software.

The client software can start a PHP script on the server by calling the getURL() function in the Adobe SVG plug-in. In turn, the script starts a MySQL statement, transforms the result into SVG and sends the SVG back to the client. On the client side, this SVG is integrated into the DOM by using parseXML().

The combination of these techniques has lead to very high degrees of both, performance and efficiency.

3.3 Geography

The map of Germany is generated using shape files. In shape files, geographical information is stored as vector based data, which facilitates the conversion to SVG. The shape files are first converted into MapML, an XML based description format. The resulting files are then transformed into SVG. A drawback was constituted by the fact that the maps at hand contained a wealth of information. Unfortunately this would have resulted in a map representation too large for our purposes. As the map will only be static, however, some manipulation could have done manually. This includes adding the most important rivers as well as bordering countries. Information about the cities shown on the map is stored on different layer [Dickmann].

Storing different kinds of information in different layers has by the way proven to be a very good idea, as this approach helps to fade in and out different layers at will. Using the group tag (<g>) together with a definite id has worked very well to speed up this process.


Figure 5: Map of germany

3.4 The Front-end

Apart from visualizing the data, the user interface offers a menu which enables the user to zoom in and out and to control which kind of information is shown. The viewer’s own zooming function is disabled to prevent zooming in and out of the control interface which is implemented as an SVG element. Another advantage of controlling the zoom function via a menu is that a number of intermediary scripts can control which data is shown at a certain zoom level.

This can speed up both rendering and loading considerably since the initial graphics can be kept simple. Further objects can be loaded and added into the DOM when needed. Objects that are no longer needed can be removed. This is especially helpful since the Adobe SVG plug-in has shown to slow down immensely when many objects are stored in the DOM. The dynamic manipulation described above can keep the DOM reasonably small at all times.

The front-end itself can be divided into three major parts. The first contains the menu and placeholders for a number of elements. This part will be called template. The second part is the reloadable component containing city diagrams, isolines and isoareas. The last part comprises a number of scripts that control the application. Apart from increasing the application’s dynamics and flexibility, his design has also further a modular development approach.

The following paragraphs explain each of these three parts in detail.

3.4.1 SVG Template

The SVG that contains the control elements is the so called template. Both, layout and menu elements are specified. The template does not, however, contain the data to be shown, or the scripts to be used. This way, a designer can build the look and feel of the interface without having to deal with the underlying code.

The interface allows manipulating time, the kind of information shown (temperature, precipitation, etc.), presentation mode and zoom level. Three additional fields are used as placeholders. According to loading state and user action, these placeholders are replaced by the main part showing the map, by a city diagram and by a smaller version of the map showing which part is depicted in zoom focus.

3.4.2 Dynamic reload

Integration of dynamically loaded data can be realized by using the SVG image tag. This tag allows dynamic integration of images as well as complete SVG documents. In the document, this tag looks like this:

<image id=“karte“ x=“0“ width=“575“ xlink:href=“germanmap.svg“ />

Figure 6: SVG Template

The disadvantage of this approach is that data added this way becomes assigned to a separate DOM. The reloaded data can thus neither access the primary document DOM nor that of other reloaded data [Watt et al.].

3.4.3 SVG Scripting

As mentioned above, SVG documents are represented in the viewer as DOM trees. This means that nodes can be added, altered and removed. In particular, this means that elements and attributes can be changed and that new shapes can be added to the document. Manipulation of elements and attributes

The root node of an SVG document can be obtained by calling the method getOwnerDocument() on any node in the document. This means that the script needs to have a reference to one of the document’s nodes in order to work. Such a reference can be delivered by the init method which is called when the document is loaded. This method is automatically called with an event which belongs to the document.

var svgdoc; // define globally! function

init(evt) {
  svgdoc = evt.getTarget().getOwnerDocument();

For further discussion of this example see [HauserWenz]. Once the document is known, arbitrary nodes can be retrieved by calling getElementByID():


The element can then easily be modified:

elem.setAttribute(„x“, „10“);

<rect id=“rectangle“ width=“100“ height=“100“ x=“0“ y=“0“
      fill=“blue“ onclick=“fillGreen()“/>

The ECMA-Script performing the task:

function fillGreen() { 
} Loading data

Reloading data is not supported by ECMAScript. Adobe’s SVG plug-in does, however implement additional scripting functions that can integrate reloaded SVG elements as part of an existing DOM. A file can be loaded from the server by the getURL() function, be parsed by the parseXML() function and finally be integrated into the DOM as follows.

function loadFile(fileName) { 
  getURL(filename, fileLoaded);

function fileLoaded(data) { 
  if(data.success) {
    var node = parseXML(data.content,document); 
  else { 
    alert('Loading failed!');

The second argument to getURL() (in this case fileLoaded) is a callback function that is called automatically with the data loaded from the URL. The data is stored in a data object that contains a number of fields. Among these are success and content. The content can be transformed into an SVG node by calling the function parseXML(). The resulting node can then be added into the existing DOM. To place the node at a desired location, the function getElementByID() can be used. Manipulating the ViewBox

As mentioned above, the viewer’s own zooming function is disabled for various reasons. The interface's zooming function is realized using the SVG document’s “viewBox” attribute. For zooming, the dimensions of the viewBox remain constant but the size of the area that is shown in the viewBox is shrunk. The specified area is then automatically enlarged by the Viewer to fit the viewBox. The following example will explain the code for this procedure in detail.

The viewBox is defined as follows [Eisenberg]:

<svg  x=“0“ y=“0“ width=“400“ height=“400“ viewBox=“0  0  400  400“>

This way, an SVG that is 400 pixels wide and 400 pixels high is displayed fully in the viewer. To zoom into the picture and to show the inner part of it in double size, the viewBox is redefined as follows:

<svg  x=“0“ y=“0“ width=“400“ height=“400“ viewBox=“100  100  200 200“>

The ECMAScript code for this action can look like this:

 var elem = document.documentElement.getElementById('karte'); 
 elem.setAttribute('viewBox', xnew+' '+ynew+' '+newWidth+' '+newHeigth);

This way, an area that was originally 200 by 200 pixels large, starting at the coordinates 100, 100 is shown in the viewBox. Since the size of the viewBox itself has not been changed, the area is shown in double size.

An alternative technique is animating the viewBox. This allows for a smooth visualization instead of the abrupt change that is caused by the technique described above. An example for an animation that slowly zooms into the image can look as follows:

<animate id=“anim“ attributeName=“viewBox“ begin=“undefined“ dur=“2s“ 
         values=“0 0 400 400; 100 100 200 200“ fill=“freeze“/>

After the zoom has finished, the user can move the enlarged area within the overall map. The scripting part of this is done by adjusting the coordinates of the visible area within the viewBox. If the viewBox is defined by:

<svg  x=“0“ y=“0“ width=“400“ height=“400“  viewBox=“100  100  200 200“>

It can be moved 50 pixels to the right, so the underlying map will scroll to the left:

<svg  x=“0“ y=“0“ width=“400“ height=“400“  viewBox=“150  100  200 200“>

The script code moving the viewbox in fluid motion looks like this:

<animate id=“anim“ attributeName=“viewBox“ begin=“undefined“ dur=“2s“ 
         values=“100  100 200 200; 150 100 200 200“ fill=“freeze“/> Using tiles

Zooming into the map results in a smaller part of the map being shown in higher resolution. Without any further program-side manipulation, however, this does not add more information. In the weather viewer, additional data is reloaded depending on the zoom level shown. At higher zoom levels, smaller towns and rivers are shown to facilitate orientation. This additional information is only reloaded for the area in question. This is done by organising the data into so-called tiles. Loading only a tile instead of the whole map means faster downloads and saving a considerable amount of client-side computing time as the client has to manage significantly less elements.

This technique is realized by splitting the map into a number of overlapping tiles. The tiles overlap to guarantee that zooming into areas that cover parts of two or more neighboring tiles does not cause visualization problems.

Moving the area in focus to a neighboring tile automatically calls the script for loading that tile so that the information resolution is always maintained according to the zoom level.


Figure 7: Middle zoom screenshot


Figure 8: High zoom screenshot

4. Conclusion

The quality and interactivity of visualizing weather data in the world wide web is highly dependent on the technologies and formats used. Weather data is highly complex and changes in three dimensions: time and space (which is in this context limited to two dimensions). Because of this complexity, good visualization techniques are required to make weather forecasts understandable for non expert users.

The project described has shown that interactive visualization of dynamically changing weather data can be achieved with SVG and a number of open source software components.

SVG is well suited for this task as it is an XML based format. This way, SVG can be generated by any standard XML parser. Since SVG documents can be built modular by using the <g> (group) tag, the data can be structured in a most efficient way.

Another advantage of SVG is the format’s dynamics and interactivity. Data can be reloaded, deleted, altered and animated. The whole document can accessed via the DOM which can be manipulated by languages like ECMAScript. This allows for a very high degree of user interaction, which is not given for other formats like Macromedia Flash. Adobe’s SVG viewer’s flexible reload of information enables the use of template-like structures. This facilitates the development of complex applications since single components can be built independently from each other.

The paper has shown how SVG can communicate with databases and servers. SVG can easily be connected to PHP and data can be retrieved from servers either directly or via PHP scripts. This allows for complex client-server interaction.

The weather visualization presented in this paper has shown how a multitude of SVG’s features can be combined to build complex and dynamic applications. Designing likewise applications with other formats or programming languages usually requires much more effort. This leads to the assumption that SVG will eventually overcome its current limitation to GIS applications and that it will spread further in the scientific application domain.


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