Uni-Logo Institute of Computer Science german

Travel Information and Maps

The Institute for Computer Science is located in buildung 31 (AVZ) on the Westerberg campus:

Here are several travel guides and maps to help you find the way to the Westerberg campus of the University of Osnabrück and to the Computer Science Group there (Albrechtstrasse 28). Those close by in Europe should probably just jump into the train to reach Osnabrück. For those who need to fly in, you have the following options to choose from:

If you arrive by train, here is how to reach us by bus:

At the train station, jump on the bus line 21 direction Atterfeld and leave the bus at the stop "Hochschulen Westerberg". The line 21 operates every 20 minutes and stops directly at the Albrechtstraße. After 200 meters down the hill you have to enter the building called AVZ on the left hand side.

Other Information:

© FB06, Universität Osnabrück