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Heuristic search is one of the most important techniques for problem solving in Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research. Since search algorithms usually exhibit exponential run-time, and sometimes also exponential space complexity, the design of efficient parallel searching methods is of obvious interest.

The backtracking approaches used in AI and OR benefit from a wealth of powerful heuristics that eliminate unnecessary states in the search space without affecting the final result. The most prominent methods include the universal branch & bound technique and dynamic programming, which examine only branches that are below/above a current upper/lower bound on the solution value. While these schemes are successfully applied in many problem domains, they do not work in domains with

Typical examples include single-agent games like the 15-puzzle [Korf, 1985], VLSI floorplan optimization [Wimer et al., 1988], and some variants of the cutting stock problem [Morabito et al., 1992]. For this kind of applications, there exists a simple and efficient backtracking method, called Iterative-Deepening A* (IDA*) [Korf, 1985], that performs a series of independent depth-first searches, each with the cost-bound increased by the minimal amount.

In this paper, we present AIDA*, a parallel implementation of iterative-deepening search on a massively parallel asynchronous MIMD system. AIDA* is based on a data partitioning scheme, where the different parts of the search space are processed asynchronously by the distributed processing elements. A simple, but effective task attraction scheme combined with a weak synchronization mechanism ensures high processor utilization and good scalability for up to more than a thousand processors.

Running on a 1024 processor transputer system, we achieved a speedup of 807 on twentyfive problem instances of the 15-puzzle, corresponding to an efficiency of 79%. Using Korf's [1985] random problem instances as a benchmark suite, AIDA* runs more than five times as fast as the fastest SIMD implementation, SIDA* by Powley et al. [1993], which was implemented on a CM-2 with 32K processing elements. While such a comparison might seem unfair, because a single CM-2 processing element is about times slower than the T805 transputers of our system, there are 32 times more processing elements in the CM-2. Hence one would expect our transputer program to run three times faster. However, we achieved a time improvement by a factor of 5.7, due to faster work-load balancing and almost zero synchronization costs.

In the following, we first discuss the basic ideas of sequential IDA*, give a brief overview about previous parallel approaches, and present the AIDA* algorithm. Most of the paper is devoted to the discussion of our empirical performance results, including an analysis of the various overheads.

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Volker Schnecke
Mon Dec 19 17:27:56 MET 1994