Iterative-Deepening Search

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Iterative-Deepening Search

Iterative-Deepening A* (IDA*) [Korf, 1985] performs a series of independent depth-first searches, each with the cost-bound increased by the minimal amount. Following the lines of the well-known A* heuristic search algorithm [Pearl, 1985][Nilsson, 1980], the total cost of a node is made up of the cost already spent in reaching that node , plus a lower bound on the estimated cost of the path to a goal state . At the beginning, the cost bound is set to the heuristic estimate of the initial state, . Then, for each iteration, the bound is increased to the minimum value that exceeded the previous bound, as shown in the following pseudo code:

With an admissible (=non-overestimating) heuristic estimate function , IDA* is guaranteed to find an optimal (shortest) solution path [Korf, 1985]. Moreover, IDA* obeys the same asymptotic branching factor as A* [Nilsson, 1980], if the number of newly expanded nodes grows exponentially with the search depth [Mahanti et al., 1992][Korf, 1985]. This growth rate, the heuristic branching factor, depends on the average number of applicable operators per node and the discrimination power of the heuristic estimate .

Volker Schnecke
Mon Dec 19 17:27:56 MET 1994