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N x N--Puzzle

Applications with bad initial cost-bounds and many alternatives in the decision trees are solved with heuristic search algorithms like A* [11,13] and IDA* [7]. One such example is the N N--puzzle [7,11,13]. Here, a given initial configuration of tiles in a squared tray of size N N must be re-arranged with the fewest number of moves into a given goal configuration. No effective upper cost-bounds are known for this problem, and hence it cannot be solved with DFBB. Even the relatively small 15-puzzle (N=4) has a search space of states. While it would seem easy to obtain any solution, finding an optimal (=shortest) solution is -complete [16]. In general, it takes some hundred million node expansions to solve a random problem instance of the 15-puzzle, using the Manhattan distance (the sum of the minimum displacement of each tile from its goal position) as a heuristic estimate function.

Iterative-deepening A* (IDA*) [7] simulates a best-first search by a series of depth-first searches with successively increased cost-bounds. Its low space overhead of makes it feasible in applications where A* [11] cannot be used due to memory limitations. With a non-overestimating heuristic estimate function, IDA* is guaranteed to find an optimal (shortest) solution [7]. In contrast to DFBB, IDA* halts after finding a first solution, because optimality is guaranteed by the iterative approach with the minimal cost-bound increments [7].

Tue May 16 19:29:30 MET DST 1995