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Research - SHARCS
Self-optimizing Heuristic And Reliable Control Systems

In the field of automation systems, the trend towards more and more complexity persists. Being able to handle this complexity is going to open up many opportunities. It is a characteristic of these application areas that the system designers are faced with strong nonlinearities, time variance and a tight integration into natural and safety critical environments. In order to reduce engineering efforts and/or to enable a flexible adaptation to (changing) environments, computational intelligence and machine learning are applied to provide methods for controlled, i.e. safe self-optimization. For this purpose we use the Organic Robust Control Architecture (ORCA), which is a specific variant of the O/C (observer-controller) architecture. Within ORCA, we use so called SILKE templates providing a second level observer-controller structure.

As an example the video shows successful online learning of balancing an inverted pendulum on a real system. In this case, the system learns to swing up and to balance the pendulum in just a few seconds. Please note that this real pendulum cart features some hard physical effects like backlash and slippage. Additionally, a heavy cart (2.3 kg) has to be moved to balance a pendulum of only 80 grams.

The focus of the SHARCS research line (Self-optimizing Heuristic And Reliable Control Systems) is thus to fundamentally study, extend and demonstrate computational intelligence and online machine learning methods within appropriate practically relevant scenarios. The acronym SHARCS is, of course, supposed to reflect the main issues of this research line:

The following methods are developed within the SHARCS research line: